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A Funny Text for Learning the 44 Sounds of English & Building up Fluency
মজার একটি টেক্সট পড়ে শুদ্ধ করে নিন আপনার ইংরেজি উচ্চারণ
মজার এই টেক্সটটি ইংলিশ স্পিকিং এ জড়তা কাটানোর জন্য ও ফ্লুয়েন্সি বাড়ানোর জন্য খুবিই সহায়ক। website থেকে video/audio টি মনোযোগ দিয়ে শুনুন আর পুরো হুবুহু নকল করার চেষ্ট করুন। এতে করে আপনার ইংলিশ ৪৪ টি সাউন্ড ও চর্চা হয়ে যাবে। যেহেতু বাক্যগুলো একটু কঠিন উচ্চারণ করা তাই আপনি যখন পরো শেষ করবেন, দেখবেন আপনার ইংলিশ স্পিকিং এর ফ্লুয়েন্সি অনেক বেড়ে গেছে।
Gita: Papa, Poly purchased a pink colour pen.
Papa: That’s very bad because Babul will be very angry for this.
Gita: And do you know what the price is? Ten taka and ten paisa.
Dad: Oh, it’s too bad. Because her teacher told her not to do this.
Gita: Papa, do you know Dipu’s Dad, Dr. Dipjol?
Papa: Of course I do. But can you tell me why?
Gita: Because Kamal, Dipu’s cousin kicked Koly so hard. And Koly is the only friend of Poly.
Dad: Please go away from here Gita. I’m not going to listen to anything from you now.
Gita: Sorry Dad, I was just kidding. But dad, I’ve to tell you something important.
Dad: What’s that?
Gita: Today Fatema’s father found four flying flies on the floor.
Dad: For what did he find the flying flies on the floor? The foul man should fry those flying flies to feed the fat man in the fourth floor.
Gita: Dad, very bad. You don’t know the value of victory.
Dad: What! Finding some flying flies on the floor is a victory you think?
Gita: Of course it is dad.
Dad: Thank you my dear mad girl.
Gita: Sorry dad, this time also I was kidding with you. But dad, I’ve another problem.
Dad: What’s that again.
Gita: Dad, I thought a thought, but the thought I thought wasn’t the thought I thought I thought.
Dad: Now what can I do for you young lady?
Gita: Dad, don’t be so angry with me. I thought an important thought when I was in my friend’s house. But their fathers, mothers, and brothers were not there that time.
Dad: Gita, I don’t understand anything.
Gita: Dad, believe me, I am serious this time. I’ve to tell you something…..
Dad: Well, go ahead.
Gita: Dad, I met a man mourning near the mountain this morning.
Dad: Didn’t you ask the man what happened to him?
Gita: Yes, I did. I took him to the hospital. You will be astonished that nine nice night nurses were nursing him nicely at the night.
Dad: That’s good. Is the man ok now?
Gita: No, he is not.
Dad: Why?
Gita: Because the throng outside sang a song with bang sound. That sound made the man very madly in the middle of the night.
Dad: Oh I see.
Gita: Dad, can I get some more time from you?
Dad: Gita you are really too clever.
Gita: Dad, do you now Chompa?
Dad: Yes, I do. What happened to her?
Gita: Chompa was chewing a chewing gum of cherry by sitting on a chair.
Dad: There’s no harm in that!
Gita: No no dad. Another girl with beautiful hair, was sitting on a chair, was looking over there.
Dad: Why was she looking over there?
Gita: Because Chompa stole the chewing gum of that girl.
Dad: That’s really really bad. Steading can’t be forgiven. You’re not allowed to be friend of Chompa, mind it.
Gita: Ok dad, I won’t. Dad, please another thing.
Dad: Ok, tell me quickly.
Gita: Dad, do you know Jolly Auntie?
Dad: Yes, I do! What happened to her?
Gita: At last jealous Jolly Auntie joined the job in July.
Dad: Why and with whom is she jealous?
Gita: To mom.
Dad: Is that right?
Gita: Yes it is dad. She is and she was jealous because she used to sell seashells by the seashore. But mom used to do a job at that time and Jolly auntie was jealous.
Dad: Oh I see. The girls are really jealous.
Gita: Dad! Don’t say that.
Dad: Why?
Gita: Because your friend Joynal is also jealous with you.
Dad: No, he is not!
Gita: Yes he is, dad.
Dad: How?
Gita: Can you remember the rhyme “Fuzzy Wazzy was a bear. Fuzzy Wazzy had no hair. Fuzzy Wazzy wasn’t very fuzzy, was he?”
Dad: Yes I can dear.
Gita: Someone told me that when you were in High School, Joynal uncle couldn’t rhyme it but you could and for that he was jealous with you.
Dad: Who told you this?
Gita: Mom.
Dad: Oh dear, please now let me do my work.
Gita: Well dad, I’m going to meet my friend Shamim.
Dad: Bye!
Gita: Bye!
Gita: Shamim, can I show you our new washing machine?
Shamim: Oh sure.
Gita: It’s my great pleasure to have this. When I get leisure time, I was my clothes.
Shamim: Looks lovely, ha! I like it very much.
Gita: Hey! Can you read the red brand name of the machine?
Shamim: Ah ha! Of course. Hee hee heee.
Gita: Wow, you can laugh so damn well.
Shamim: Yes, yes, it is the laugh of PHONEITCS.